Ma`rifat-e Siasi, Volume 7, Issue 2, No 14, Year 2025 , Pages 5-23

    The Foundations and Implications of Socialization of Man in the Discourse of the Proponents of Social Contract and Approach of Innate Nature

    Article Type: 
    Mojtaba / Assistant Professor of Department of Political science, Tarbiyat Modarres /
    The present paper seeks through a general picture to show that there are two types of socialization of man: modern socialization which is based on the discourse of the proponents of social contract, and the socialization which is ascribed to divine nature. The foundations and implications of man in the first approach are represented in the desire for security in an environment of ambiguity and fear. In the second approach, because there is a divine covenant between God and man, the foundations and implications involve the fulfillment of the pledge, and inevitably bring love and happiness. According to the first approach, man is inherently selfish, individualistic and breaks the contracts and conventions. According to the second approach, man, because of the nature bestowed on him by God, assumes responsibility, is capable of managing trusts, is inherently social, and finds joy in passing through the stages of perfection
    چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
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    , Mojtaba.(2025) The Foundations and Implications of Socialization of Man in the Discourse of the Proponents of Social Contract and Approach of Innate Nature. Ma`rifat-e Siasi, 7(2), 5-23


    Mojtaba ."The Foundations and Implications of Socialization of Man in the Discourse of the Proponents of Social Contract and Approach of Innate Nature". Ma`rifat-e Siasi, 7, 2, 2025, 5-23


    , M.(2025) 'The Foundations and Implications of Socialization of Man in the Discourse of the Proponents of Social Contract and Approach of Innate Nature', Ma`rifat-e Siasi, 7(2), pp. 5-23


    , M. The Foundations and Implications of Socialization of Man in the Discourse of the Proponents of Social Contract and Approach of Innate Nature. Ma`rifat-e Siasi, 2025; 7(2): 5-23